Welcome to the Medium Rare Ambassador Program: our motley crew of influential chefs, bartenders, dishwashers, hosts and more who’ve signed-up to share our brand with their most valued commodity, their followers. Trusting us with your community is not something we take lightly. In fact, we’re not just grateful, we’re damn honoured.
Our ambassadors are the hardest working, most humble and honest people in the food and beverage industry. You’re the unsung heroes who work the brunch shift hungover. Who put up with bad tippers, double-shifts and no-shows. We’re inspired by your thick skin and hard-earned respect. Most people can’t handle this industry. But then you’re not most people. Like us, you’re cut from a different cloth.
So, just what is it that you’ve signed up for?
In simple terms, a relationship. We give you great Medium Rare swag and, in exchange, you share it with your Instagram followers. You also get to give them special discounts for Medium Rare products. So, if they like what they see, you make it easy for them to score their own gear. We also ask that you share a few details about how your followers reacted to your sponsored posts. More on that later.
This guide outlines everything you need to know about being a Medium Rare Ambassador. If we’ve missed something or you have questions along the way, give us a shout. We’re just a text or DM away.